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Friday, April 28, 2006

Get What You Want In 2006

The New Year is upon us, and its
time to decide what this year will
bring for you.

What do you want from 2006?

Maybe a new car?

A new home?

The start of a successful business
or career?

Or maybe you are just making it
a priority to enjoy life more...
travel... and do the things you've
always wanted to do?

Whatever your goal is, here's how
to get there FASTER...

My friend, Lee Benson, has put
together an excellent 32 minute call
on the subject of Brain Power-- and
why and how it makes sense to
maximize your mental talents in 2006.

Especially if you want more money,
more success, and to squeeze
more enjoyment out of your life.

I'm confident it'll not only help you
reach your goals more quickly; but
could improve your life in so many
more ways besides.

Highly recommended. Go listen.

Happy New year- here's to an

All the best,

You "Chan" Do It!

- Patric Chan


Tuesday, April 18, 2006
