colon cancer symptom

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

colon cancer symptom : X-ray Studies

X-rays often are used to evaluate digestive problems. Standard x-rays of the abdomen do not require any special preparation. These x-rays generally are used to show an obstruction or paralysis of the digestive tract or abnormal air patterns in the abdominal cavity. Standard x-rays can also show enlargement of the liver, kidneys, and spleen.

Barium studies often provide more information. X-rays are taken after a person swallows barium in a flavored liquid mixture or as barium-coated food. The barium looks white on x-rays and outlines the digestive tract, showing the contours and lining of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. Barium collects in abnormal areas, showing ulcers, tumors, obstructions, erosions, and enlarged, dilated esophageal veins.

X-rays may be taken at intervals to determine where the barium is. Or, in a continuous x-ray technique called fluoroscopy, the barium is observed as it moves through the digestive tract. With this technique, doctors can see how the esophagus and stomach function, determine if their contractions are normal, and tell whether food is getting blocked in the digestive tract. The doctor may film this process for later review.

Barium also can be given in an enema to outline the lower part of the large intestine. Then, x-rays can show polyps, tumors, or other structural abnormalities. This procedure may cause crampy pain, producing slight to moderate discomfort.

Barium taken by mouth or given as an enema is eventually excreted in the stool, making the stool chalky white. Because barium can cause significant constipation, the doctor tries to make sure the barium is eliminated quickly after the studies. A gentle laxative can speed up the elimination of barium.
colon cancer symptom

copyright merck & co inc


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