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Friday, July 28, 2006

colon cancer symptom : Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Depression

Research concerning omega 3 fatty acids and depression consists of clinical trials with patients suffering from bi-polar disorder, post-partum depression and mild to moderate depression. The omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA are generally used together in these studies, but sometimes only one or the other is used.

Research began because of a marked lack of depression and other neurological conditions in peoples whose diets were rich in foods containing omega 3 fatty acids. In studies of the link between omega 3 fatty acids and depression researchers use fish oil specifically because it is the best and most common source of DHA and EPA. Botanical sources contain the omega 3 fatty acid ALA which must be converted by the body into DHA and EPA and this conversion process can be inefficient for many people.

Adding foods containing omega 3 fatty acids may also be inefficient, since fish is the only identified natural source of both DHA and EPA. Some people do not like fish and even eating fish three to five times per week may not supply adequate amounts of these omega 3 fatty acids. The most success has been achieved in studies of omega 3 fatty acids and depression relief, when fish oil supplements were used.

In one study, the results showed a 48-51% reductions in degree of depression when patients were given fish oil dietary supplements.

The connection between omega 3 fatty acids and depression is fairly well known. People suffering from depression generally have lower levels of DHA in their bloodstreams, probably due to the lack of foods containing omega 3 fatty acids in their diets. The connection between omega 3 fatty acids and depression is also well researched.

A study of omega 3 fatty acids and depression in London concluded that EPA was an effective treatment for bi-polar disorder. Because of the link between depression and chronic fatigue syndrome, the effectiveness of omega 3s in treating this syndrome has been studied and concluded that patients responded favorably.

Another study of omega 3 and depression consisted of studying the studies themselves, and concluded that it is likely that low levels of omega 3 fatty acids in the bloodstream are linked and may, in some cases, be the cause of depression.

These are only a few of the many studies that exist concerning omega 3 fatty acids and depression. In general, all conclusions report improvement in symptoms related to depression after supplementation of omega 3 fatty acids.

While it may be difficult to consume enough foods containing omega 3 fatty acids to reduce the symptoms of depression, taking a daily dietary supplement of fish oil is easy. No one is suggesting that anyone stop taking their anti-depressant medications, however, if you are already using them.

The link between omega 3 fatty acids and depression is still being studied and further research is needed.

Now that you know about omega 3 fatty acids and depression, learn about the fish oil supplements we ourselves take after extensive product comparison and research. Visit:
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